Cost recovery : Percentage of revenue from water supply to the cost of operating and maintaining water distribution services.
Indicator | Unit | FY1 |
2021-22 |
O&M cost recovery in water distribution | % | 160% |
Components of the indicator
Revenue from water supply = Revenue from water supply in SMC area + Revenue from supply of bulk water to JSV, commercial institutions and other housing.
Cost of operating and maintaining water distribution services =Operator payments (staff costs, salaries, overheads etc.) + Electricity costs + Chemicals and consumables + Repair and maintenance + Administrative expenses + Head office overheads as applicable + Any miscellaneous expenses.
1. Cost of sewage services and treated bulk water supply to Shimla (till the balancing reservoir)
2. Revenue from sewage services
Table 2 - Data inputs for different indicator components
Head (Refer Table 3 for source data details) | Unit | FY1 |
2021-22 |
Revenue from water supply | INR | 291953204.00 |
Operator payments (staff costs, salaries, overheads, etc.) | INR | 98304872.00 |
Electricity costs | INR | 7359488.00 |
Chemicals and consumables | INR | 191160.00 |
Repair and maintenance | INR | 65798755.00 |
Administrative expenses | INR | 0.00 |
Head office overheads as applicable | INR | 7920480.00 |
Any miscellaneous expenses | INR | 2781219.00 |
Source documents to be referred
Head | Source documents to be referred |
Revenue from water supply | Monthly water supply bills raised for all connections, excluding (1) sewerage charges (2) arrears of previous months/ years |
Operator payments | Staff costs, salary statements (including those on secondment from GoHP, SMC, contractual and outsourced employees), overheads, payout to third party operators, etc. |
Electricity costs | Electricity bills raised for each meter at each distribution pump station |
Chemicals and consumables | Expenditure on chemicals and consumables |
Repair and maintenance | Expenditure on repairs and maintenance activities, including bills raised by contractors |
Administrative expenses | Other administrative expenses (from accounts, financial statements, etc.) |
Head office overheads as applicable | This includes salary and administrative expenses of employees at Head office, consultancy services, electricity bills at head office, etc. as per allocation finalised by SJPNL to water distribution division |
Any miscellaneous expenses | Any other miscellaneous expenses (from accounts, financial statements, etc.) |